2023-11-16 周四 主不在十字架上,乃在宝座上






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The Lord Is No Longer on the Cross, But on the Throne – Matt. 28:18

As long as one calls upon the name of Lord Jesus and says, “Lord Jesus, I am a sinner, I repent and receive you as my Savior”. The Holy Spirit will enter into him immediately. Maybe you still don’t think this is a big deal since you have no idea what the Holy Spirit will do when he enters into you. Please remember, this is not just the peace from the forgiveness of sins, not just the life of God entering into you, but also the Lord himself entering into you. What kind of Lord he is? We all know that he is the Lord who was crucified and died for us. However, when we receive him as our Savior and enter into us in the Holy Spirit, he is no longer the Lord on the cross, but the Lord on the throne. What we receive is the Lord who was crucified, but he is not on the cross but on the throne.

Although the Lord Jesus was crucified, he is no longer on the cross. He went through the tomb, was resurrected and ascended to heaven. God’s right hand exalted him to enthroned him and gave him all authority, that is, all authority in heaven and on earth. God made him both Lord and king, and he is the Lord on the throne. We must see that this Jesus is not just the crucified Jesus, but he is now on the throne. When we receive him, he does not come into us from the cross but from the throne. Moreover, he not only enters into us from the throne, but also enters into us with the throne.

If one is willing to receive this Holy Spirit and have him, he will enter into that man, give him the peace of forgiveness of sins, give him eternal life and bring the Lord Jesus into him. At this time, Jesus within this man is Jesus on the throne, the exalted Jesus, and Jesus being made as Lord and Christ. Frankly, what he has brought into man is not a cross but a throne. That throne is the Lord on the throne, bringing his throne into man; not only to be man’s life, but also to be man’s authority. He is not only man’s Savior, but also a kingdom. He is God’s kingdom and God’s authority, and he will establish his throne within man, he is king on the throne and within man. Please remember that this is what Christians are.

Therefore, the story within Christians is not only the story of life and peace, but also the story of the kingdom, the story of the throne, the story of authority and the story of the King of kings. This incarnated one is not only a humble Jesus, but also a glorified Christ; not only Jesus forsaken by man, but also Christ exalted by God, to whom all authority in heaven and on earth is given. Although we are small in size outwardly, yet we are really big inwardly. We have a kingdom inside of us, there is a throne and a King of kings. Christ, who is the head of the kings of the world, is within us, this is our story. We must see that the kingdom of God, the throne of God, the King of God and the King of kings are all within us.