2023-11-15 周三 神将权柄、国度、宝座交付主耶稣






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God Has Given the Authority, Kingdom and Throne to the Lord Jesus – Acts 2:36

When the Lord Jesus was about to leave this world, he said that he was going to receive for himself a kingdom and to return (Luke 19:12). In fact, the kingdom of God and the authority of God have long been in the Lord Jesus, but God has a procedure and a way to do things. In the eternal past, God gave his authority and his kingdom to his Son; all of that was already in his Son. However, at this time, the Lord said, “I am going to receive for myself a kingdom.” How did the Lord go? The Lord went away through death; the way for the Lord to receive a kingdom was through his death and resurrection. After the Lord was resurrected from the dead, he ascended to heaven. God’s right hand exalted him and made him Lord and Christ.

These are the words of Psalm chapter 2. God declares in heaven, “I have installed my King upon Zion, My holy mountain.” When did God say this? It was said when God resurrected the Lord Jesus. At that time the Lord heard God say to him, “You are my Son, today I have begotten you.” This is what God said to his Son at the time of resurrection. After the Lord Jesus was resurrected, God not only told him God had begotten him, but also told him that God had made him the king. So in Acts chapter 2, Peter stood up on the day of Pentecost and said, “…let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ – this Jesus whom you crucified.” The authority was given to the Lord, the kingdom was given to the Lord, and the throne was given to the Lord. All the stories of the kingdom are centered on him.

Right before the Lord Jesus was about to leave the world, he told his disciples that the Holy Spirit, whom the Father would send, would tell them all regarding God had given him. The Holy Spirit would tell the disciples everything from the Lord Jesus what the Lord had received (cf. John 14:26, 16:13-15). What did the Lord receive? The Lord has received the throne of God, the authority of God, and has been made both Lord and Christ by God. The Holy Spirit was poured out, entered into the disciples, and bore witness for the Lord within them, for them to know and to understand that the Lord has enthroned: the kingdom of God is upon him and the authority of God is in his hands.

On the one hand, the Lord is on the throne and has received the authority, the throne and the kingdom. On the other hand, the world did not know him. They did not know that the Lord Jesus had been on the throne. They did not know the Lord Jesus had the authority and had gained the kingdom. Just when the world did not know it and still rejected Christ, rejecting him to be King, rejecting his sovereignty, rejecting his kingdom and his throne, yet God did something special – to pour out the Holy Spirit. On whom did the Spirit pour out? It poured out on those who believed in Jesus. God made the Holy Spirit to enter into men, into those who believed in Jesus. When the world rejected Christ and didn’t want him to reign, yet God desired his gospel to be declared everywhere. This gospel is the gospel of the kingdom.