2023-11-14 周二 神的国度、权柄都在基督身上





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The Kingdom and Authority of God are in Christ – Luke 17:20-21

After man rebelled against God together with Satan, God determined to become a man himself, to incarnate in his Son. God became a man in his Son and gave all of his authority to his Son. Therefore, God’s glory is all in his Son; it can be said that his Son is the true manifestation of his authority. Therefore, the glory of God is in his Son.

When some Jews asked the Lord Jesus, “When will the kingdom of God come?” The Lord Jesus replied, “The kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” (Luke 17:20-21) What the Lord meant was that the kingdom of God was himself. He was among the Jews, and the kingdom of God was in the midst of them. He wanted those Jews not to think that the kingdom of God was in a certain location (i.e., a physical location). As a matter of fact, the kingdom of God was among them, and he was the kingdom of God; all the authority of God was in him, and the throne of God was also on him. Without the Lord Jesus, man has no way to find the kingdom of God; without him, man cannot see the authority of God; without him, man cannot have the throne of God. All God’s authority rests upon him, and he is God’s authority, and the manifestation of God’s glory is in God’s authority. He is God’s authority, he is God’s kingdom, and God’s glory is manifested on him.

We hope that all God’s children will see that the kingdom of God is not something in the future. We cannot study the kingdom of God as an objective or prophetic matter. In fact, the kingdom of God is Christ, the Son of God, and all the authority of God rests upon the Lord Jesus. When you believe in the Lord, you receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior. You pray by saying, “Lord, I receive you into my heart.” However, you don’t know that the Lord you have received is not only the Savior, not only the life, he is also the King, the kingdom and the authority. Once you receive him into you, you not only have a Savior and a life, but also have a Lord and a king within you; you have an authority and a kingdom inwardly. This kingdom is Christ himself, the kingdom of God is not only in the midst of you today, the kingdom of God is also within you. This kingdom is Christ, your Savior, who has become the authority in you, established the throne in you and is enthroned in you.