2023-11-10 周五 信徒必须降服于属天的管治







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Believers Must Submit to the Heavenly Ruling – Rom. 14:17

When we are saved and given the Holy Spirit by God, the authority of God’s throne has passed into us. From this perspective, every saved person has the throne of God, the kingship of God and the authority of God within him. Some may ask, “What is this authority?” This authority is the Holy Spirit living in you and me. The seven spirits who are before the throne of God have been sent to us. The Holy Spirit within us today is the Spirit of life, the Spirit of power and the Spirit of authority. He is in you not only as your life, nor only as your power, but also as your Lord, your king and your kingship. Therefore, when the Holy Spirit is within you, you have the throne of God within you.

After you are saved, if you feel that there is a ruling within you that prevents you from acting casually or acting arbitrarily, please remember this is not a Christian doctrine, rather it is the story of the Holy Spirit within you. When the Holy Spirit dwells in you, it means that the kingdom is within you and the kingdom of God has come to you. Wherever the Holy Spirit is, there is the kingdom of God, the throne of God and the authority of God.

The purpose of the gospel is not to save us to heaven, because there is no so-called heaven; the purpose of the gospel is to save us into the kingdom of God and his kingship. Therefore, we believers are by no means lawless people. When we repent, we turn to God and receive him as our Lord, allowing him to put his life into us, and at the same time allowing his Spirit to enter into us to connect his throne and his kingship with us.

If you are willing to submit to the sovereignty of heaven and allow the throne of heaven to rule in you, regardless of big or small things in your life, your spirit will definitely be joyful and your tongue will rise up in praise whenever you pray. Meanwhile, you will be sure to give thanks to God whenever you have the opportunity. Your spirit is overflowing with joy because you are willing to allow God to rule in your being. You are a person in the kingdom, partake of the kingdom and the heavenly kingship rests upon you.

Many brothers and sisters lose their temper easily, get angry easily, criticize others, envy others, hate others and act at will. These situations all reveal that they are not governed by heaven or controlled by heaven, causing the heavenly kingship to be obliterated within them. However, after a period of time, the Holy Spirit comes again. He is the authority, the seven Spirits before the throne, and he wants to connect the throne with you. At this time, as long as you give him a little chance, you will find there is a throne, the governance and kingship within you. The kingdom is still within you. From the day you were saved, the kingdom and the kingship have been in you; It depends upon whether or not you submit to heavenly rule.