2023-11-09 周四 我们里面的圣灵,连着天上的宝座





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The Holy Spirit Within Us Is Connected to the Throne in Heaven – Rev. 5:6

Every saved one has one portion of the kingdom; the difference is that some have more and some have less. No matter how much kingdom you have, there is one point: no saved one does not have the kingdom within him. If you do not have the authority of the kingdom within you, your salvation is definitely questionable. The Lord’s salvation not only brings the Lord’s life into us, but also brings the heavenly kingship into us. We know that those who are saved have the Holy Spirit within him. This Holy Spirit is not only a life, not just a power, but also leads to the throne in heaven.

The Holy Spirit in Revelation chapters 4 and 5 is the seven Spirits before the throne of God (Rev. 4:5, 5:6), which proves that the Holy Spirit connects to the throne. The Holy Spirit not only brings the life of God into us, but also brings the throne of God into us. On the one hand, he is the Spirit of power, and on the other hand, he is the Spirit of authority. He connects the throne of God into our spirit so that the throne of God may govern our spirit within us. Unless you and I are not saved, otherwise this Holy Spirit is within you and me; this Holy Spirit within us is not only a Spirit of life, not just a Spirit of power, but also a Spirit of authority.

Many people talk about the truth regarding the Holy Spirit pouring out God’s love into us; but they fail to notice that the Holy Spirit not only pours out God’s love into us, but also brings God’s throne and authority into us, and establishes God’s throne in us. Some may ask, what is the throne of God? The throne of God is the source of God’s authority. In the whole universe, all of God’s authority is concentrated on God’s throne; God’s throne is God’s authority. The Book of Revelation says that when God came to judge the world, the first vision John saw was a throne (Rev. 4:5). In the universe and in heaven, there is a throne. The one sitting on the throne is God, he is in charge of all things in the universe, who has all of the authority. He is the sovereign God, the Lord of lords and the King of kings. He is the Lord and the great King, sitting on the throne, and all authority is in his hands.