2023-11-07 周二 神在地上得着国度的历程

经文:耶稣回答说,我实实在在的告诉你,人若不重生,就不能见神的国……耶稣回答说,我实实在在的告诉你,人若不是从水和灵生的,就不能进神的国。(约三3,5 ,另译)




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The Process of God’s Gaining a Kingdom on Earth – John 3:3, 5

In the Old Testament age, God seemed to reserve his kingship in heaven. However, in the New Testament age, he desired to bring that kingship from heaven to the earth. He wanted to come to earth to rule, and to extend his kingship from heaven to a group of people. This group of people were sinful (Rom. 3:23), their nature was deceitful above all things (Jer. 17:9), and were dead in their trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1). Sin and death reigned over these people, preventing them from receiving the kingship of God (Romans 5:14, 6:12). Yet God desired to extend his heavenly kingship to the earth and to all mankind. In order for God to do this, he must first solve the problem of sin and death for man.

The Lord Jesus bore the sins of the world on the cross (1 Peter 2:24), died and shed his blood, cleansing the sins of the world and solving the problem of their sins (John 1:29, Heb. 9:22). On the third day, he resurrected from the dead and released his resurrection life (John 12:24), so that the spirits of those who being cleansed from sins could be revived (John 3:6; Eph. 2:5-6 ), and received a regenerated life (John 10:10b); in this way, their problem of death was solved (see 1 Corinthians 15:55). Therefore, the death of the Lord Jesus on the cross solved the problem of our sins, and his resurrection solved the problem of our death (Rom. 4:24-25).

Now we are those who have been purified, made alive in our spirit and have been regenerated. Since we were cleansed and made alive, God is able to gain a position and has a way in us to bring his heavenly kingship to the earth. In other words, God can extend his heavenly kingship, that is, the heavenly kingdom, to us.