2023-11-06 周一 信徒就是神的国度






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Believers Are the Kingdom of God – Rev. 5:9-10

Revelation chapters 1 and 5 tell us that the Lord saved us with his blood in order to make us his kingdom. The word “kingdom” in verses 1:6 and 5:10 is translated as “nation” in the Union Version. According to the original Greek text, this word means kingdom and also means “king”.

The reason why God saved us through the gospel is to save us into his kingdom. God not only places us in the kingdom, but also makes us his kingdom. In other words, in God’s mind, we saved ones are not only saved into his kingdom, but also makes us constitute his kingdom.

How can we become the kingdom of God? In fallen mankind, we never understand the sovereignty of God. Many people in this fallen world say, “Where is God? Why should he care about my business? If I want to do good, I will do it well. This is my autonomy”. All fallen people in the world disobey God’s authority and do whatever they want. They believe that as long as they do not violate national laws or human rules, they can do whatever they want. These situations reveal the fact that God’s authority has no place among men. It seems that God’s authority can only be exercised in heaven and cannot be exercised on earth, because no one on earth is willing to submit to God’s authority.

When it came to the New Testament, God’s first words were “…the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near” (Matt. 3:2; 4:17). In the original Greek text, the word “kingdom” can also be translated as “kingship”, indicating “the kingship of the heavens has drawn near”. This means that there is an authority coming to the earth. However, this authority is not an ordinary authority, yet a heavenly kingship. In Greek, kingdom means kingship, and kingship refers to a kingdom. There is an authority in heaven, not an ordinary authority, but the authority of the head of the universe. This authority of the head of the universe is a kingship. Within this kingship and under this authority, there is a kingdom.