2023-11-01 周三 神的救恩是以国度为目标





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God’s Salvation Is Aimed at the Kingdom – John 3:5

In the New Testament we can clearly see that God’s gospel and God’s salvation are aimed at the kingdom and are meant to save you and me into the kingdom. The gospel of God is not just about the forgiveness of sins, nor is it just about life, it is about the kingdom. The gospel of God not only saves you into forgiveness of sins, nor does it only save you into life, it also wants to save you into the kingdom.

Unfortunately, in today’s Christianity, this light has been wiped out. Maybe you have been saved for many years, but you still have no impression or feeling of the kingdom. However, the Bible shows us over and over again that the most central, most crucial and major goal of God’s gospel is the kingdom of God. The reason why God saves you is to put you in this kingdom, and the reason why God forgives your sins is also to put you into this kingdom. The reason he gives you life and the Holy Spirit is that you can be reborn and be able to live in this kingdom (John 3:3, 5). You must first receive the life of this kingdom before you can live in this kingdom, and live a life that is only possible in this kingdom. In summary, God’s gospel aims at the kingdom of God, saving men into this kingdom and setting them up to live in this kingdom.

Simply put, all the riches in salvation God has given you are for one thing, which is to bring you into his kingdom and enable you to live in this kingdom. Therefore, we must see that forgiveness of sins is not the goal of God’s gospel, and life is not the goal of God’s gospel; the goal of God’s gospel is the kingdom. The reason why God forgives your sins and cleanses you, gives you his life and puts his Spirit within you is to make you a clean and resurrected person. The purpose is to save you into his kingdom, place you in the kingdom and enable you to live in the kingdom. This kingdom is his goal.