2023-10-30 周一 福音以国度为中心目标





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The Kingdom As the Central Goal of the Gospel – Luke 4:43

The kingdom is the center of the gospel. The New Testament even says that the kingdom is the gospel. In Luke 4:43, the Union Version translates it as “preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God”, but the original Greek text means preaching the gospel, which means preaching the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is the gospel of God. The kingdom of God is called “the kingdom of the heavens” in the New Testament.

Unfortunately, the gospel preached in Christianity today rarely mentions the kingdom of God. Even if it is mentioned, it is only mentioned as a proper noun. Even when people preach the gospel today, they preach heaven as a central and an important item. In the entire New Testament, there is not a single verse that tells us the goal of the gospel is to go to heaven. In the New Testament, almost every book talks about the kingdom of God and tells us that the gospel takes the kingdom of God as its central goal. God’s intention is not to use the gospel to save men into heaven, but to bring them into the kingdom, that is, into the kingdom of the heavens. Moreover, the Bible does not say “heaven” but “New Jerusalem”. Revelation 21:2 says, “And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God…” The Bible shows us that the gospel’s goal of saving men is definitely not aimed at heaven, but at the kingdom.

You have heard the gospel, believed in the Lord and been saved, and even attended church meetings for many years, but you may have never had the impression that God’s gospel is to save you into a kingdom. You know that God’s gospel may forgive your sins, reconcile with God, receive God’s life, become children of God, and receive God’s Holy Spirit with all kinds of spiritual grace and blessings. However, the Bible tells us a more central thing, which is that God’s gospel not only allows us to obtain the things mentioned above, but also saves us into his kingdom.