2023-10-28 周六 葡萄园的比喻(二)




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Parable of the Vineyard (2) – Matt 20:10-14

Here we see that the last and the first received the same reward. The first workmen mentioned in verse 10 included Peter, who made a deal with the Lord in 19:27-29. Much to the surprise of those hired first, the last were the first to receive the reward, although they worked just one hour, not during the heat of the day. Thus, when those hired first saw that the last received a denarius, they expected to receive a great deal more. However, they also received a denarius, they murmured against the householder. Those hired first should remember Romans 9:14-15 and 20, there is no unrighteousness with the Lord. He will have mercy on whom he will have mercy. But Peter’s natural concept, representing that of all believers, was commercial; he did not know the Lord’s gracious wish. Thus, he murmured against the Lord according to legality.

Verse 13 says, “But he answered and said to one of them, Friend, I am not wronging you, did you not agree with me for a denarius?” By “one of them” the Lord was no doubt referring to Peter. The agreement mentioned in this verse was the agreement the Lord made with Peter in 19:27-29. Here the Lord seemed to be saying, I don’t owe you anything, for I have given you what I promised. The reward is a matter of grace according to my desire. Out of grace, I desire to give those hired last the same reward that I promised to give you. The Lord has the right to give the same thing to the latest workmen according to his own wish, in the principle not of work but of grace. This shattered and corrected Peter’s natural and commercial mind.