2023-10-26 周四 国度的赏赐—来世承受永远的生命





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Kingdom Reward — To Inherit Eternal Life — Matt. 19:29-30

To inherit eternal life is to be rewarded in the coming age with the enjoyment of the divine life in the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens. In the manifestation of the kingdom, we shall participate in the enjoyment of eternal life in the millennial kingdom with the Lord Jesus. This will be greater than the first aspect of the kingdom reward, which we receive in this age.

In verse 28 the Lord said, “…when the Son of Man shall sit on the throne of His glory, you also shall sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” The regeneration is the restoration of the coming kingdom age after the Lord’s second coming. In the coming kingdom, the overcomers will sit on thrones to reign over the earth. The first twelve apostles, including Peter, will judge the twelve tribes of Israel, while the others will rule over the nations.

After hearing the Lord’s answer, Peter had nothing more to say. His mouth was shut. But the Lord went on to say, “But many that are first shall be last, and the last first”. Many Christians use this verse, but most use it incorrectly. Some say that a person who has just been saved but who has considerable experience is an example of the last becoming first. This is a natural interpretation. Others say that the young ones, who are last, have become the first, and that we, the older ones, are out of date and have become the last. This also is a natural understanding. Knowing that we would take his word in a natural way, the Lord gave the parable in 20:1-16 to explain the meaning of this verse. The Lord said this in order to revolutionize Peter’s commercial mentality. The Lord seemed to be saying to Peter, what I give you is not based upon your commercial sense.