2023-10-21 周六 谨慎如何建造(二)




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Take Heed How One Builds Upon the Foundation (2) – 1 Cor. 3:12-13

Wood, grass and stubble signify the knowledge, realization and attainments which come from the believers’ background (such as Judaism or other religions, philosophy or culture) and the natural way of living (which is mostly in the soul and is the natural life). Wood may be in contrast to gold, signifying the nature of the natural man; grass may be in contrast to silver, signifying the fallen man, the man of the flesh, unredeemed by Christ; and stubble may be in contrast to precious stones, signifying the work and living which issues from an earthen source, without any transformation by the Holy Spirit. All these worthless materials are the product of the believers’ natural man together with what they have collected from their background. In God’s economy these materials are fit only to be burned.

Among today’s Christians it is difficult to find the gold, pearl and precious stones. The way of Christianity is the broad way, but the way of the Lord’s recovery is the constricted way. At times the enemy will attempt to lure us away from this constricted way into something that is outwardly big and bulky, something made of wood, hay and stubble. However, in the New Jerusalem there will be nothing wooden, nothing that can be burned or consumed. Everything in the New Jerusalem will remain for eternity. Nothing can damage the gold, pearl and precious stone.