2023-10-20 周五 谨慎如何建造(一)





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Take Heed How One Builds Upon the Foundation (1) – 1 Cor. 3:12-13

The basic thought of Matthew 13 is the same as that of 1 Corinthians 3. In both chapters we have God’s farm and God’s building. The first four parables are related to God’s farm for growing Christ into the kingdom, and the following two parables are related to transformation for producing precious materials for God’s building. 

The parables of the pearl and the treasure match the verses which say, “Enter in through the narrow gate…for the gate is narrow and the way is constricted which leads to life, and few are those who find it” (Matt. 7:13-14).  The wide gate and broad way lead to destruction. At this point we need to refer to 1 Corinthians 3, where Paul admonishes us to take heed how we build upon the foundation of Christ. Are we building with gold, silver, and precious stones, or with wood, hay and stubble?

Gold, silver and precious stones signify various experiences of Christ in the virtues and attributes of the Triune God. It is with these the apostles and all spiritual believers build the church on the unique foundation of Christ. Gold may signify the divine nature of the Father with all its attributes, silver may signify the redeeming Christ with all the virtues and attributes of his Person and work, and precious stones may signify the transforming work of the Spirit with all its attributes. All these precious materials are the products of our participation in and enjoyment of Christ in our spirit through the Holy Spirit. Only these are good for God’s building.