2023-10-19 周四 宝贝和珍珠说到建造





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Treasure and Pearl Related to Building-up –  Rev. 21:10-11

In the first four parables in Matthew we have the life growing, and in the next parable we have the treasure hidden in the field. The treasure must be made up of gold, silver and precious stones. The New Jerusalem is built with gold, precious stones and pearl. Gold is the material of the city proper, and precious stones and pearl are the two other building materials for the city of God. In the first four parables the Lord revealed the life that grows Christ into the kingdom. In the next two parables he revealed the matter of transformation for building. This brings us back to the basic thought of the Bible – life and building. The parables in Matthew 13 reveal the matters of life and building. Life is Christ himself as the seed sown into our humanity. This life grows within us, growing Christ into the kingdom. The growing of this life eventually produces precious stones and pearls.

In history besides the real believers, the false believers, Christendom, the apostate church, the heresies and heathen practices, there have been the overcomers. In God’s eyes these overcomers are likened to the treasure hidden in the field and to the pearl out of the sea. From the first century until the present, among the many real Christians represented by the wheat, there have been a small number of more solid ones like the transformed precious stones hidden in the field. This is especially true today. There are a good number of saints who love the Lord, who have given up the world, and who do not live by their natural life. Although they have had some failures, they still like to live in the spirit, spend time in the presence of the Lord, stay in the Lord’s will, and be one with him in a practical way. Those who are like this are not just the wheat, bulky in size and abundant in quantity; they are the transformed precious stones, smaller in quantity and hidden under the earth. 

Today we believers in Christ are people hidden by God, and the world does not know us (1 John 3:1). However, upon the Lord Jesus’ return, the hidden ones will be manifested (Col. 3:3-4). Today is not the time for us to reveal ourselves, but the time for us to be hidden.