2023-10-18 周三 前四个比喻说到耕地




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The First Four Parables Related to the Farm – 1 Cor. 3:9

The first four parables were given in the boat in the open air. These are the parables of the sower, the tares, the mustard seed and the leaven. In each of the first four parables there was something related to eating. By this we see that the first four parables cover the matter of food. God’s intention is to have a people on earth to be the constituents of his kingdom, and these people must be like food that is good to satisfy both God and man. But the enemy came in to plant tares among the wheat to frustrate the growth of the wheat and to damage it. Satan caused the mustard herb, intended to be a source of food, to grow abnormally into a big tree and thereby to lose its function of producing food. Instead, it became an evil lodging place. This is a picture of Christendom today. In the various Christian organizations we see big buildings, offices, and complex hierarchies. We see the branches of the big tree, but nothing of the fine flour or the mustard herb. According to the fourth parable, Satan then took the further step of adding leaven to the fine flour. Here we see Satan’s subtlety. Firstly, he sowed tares among the wheat to frustrate the growth of the wheat; secondly, he caused the mustard herb to grow abnormally and to lose its function; thirdly, seeing that some wheat was produced to make fine flour for a loaf to satisfy God and man, Satan added leaven to the meal.

The first four parables are all related to the farm. In 1 Corinthians 3:9 Paul says, “You are God’s farm, you are God’s building”. In this chapter we see that God’s farm eventually produces gold, silver and precious stones. God’s farm produces the things of life, and these things of life become the materials for God’s building. Thus, God’s farm is for God’s building.