2023-10-16 周一 国度与教会





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The Kingdom and the Church – Matt. 13:44-46

In the Bible the earth signifies the world created by God, and the sea signifies the world corrupted by Satan. We must know in what sense we are the treasure and in what sense we are the pearl. As the kingdom, we are something of the earth created by God and redeemed by Christ; and as the church, we are something out of the world corrupted by Satan and condemned by God. The treasure, the symbol of the kingdom, is concealed within the earth. Hence, it is altogether related to the earth. But the pearl, the symbol of the church, has nothing whatever to do with the earth. It is something produced out of the sea. Out of the Satan-corrupted and God-condemned sea such a beautiful thing as a fine pearl has been produced.

As the church, we have been produced out of the world, but we no longer have anything to do with the world. Although we are the pearl out of the sea, we are no longer in the sea. We have been regenerated to become a beautiful pearl. Being in another realm, we have nothing to do with this rotten world.

As the kingdom we have nothing to do with the Satan-corrupted world, but we are related to the God-created earth and Christ-redeemed earth. On the one hand, we are through with the world; on the other hand, we are building up something on earth. We are not building a tower of Babel; we are building the kingdom of the heavens. As Matthew 6:10 says, “Let Your kingdom come; let Your will be done, as in heaven, so on earth”. God’s kingdom cannot be established in the sea, and God’s will cannot be done in the Satan-corrupted world. God’s will must be done on the God-created earth, and God’s kingdom must be established on the Christ-redeemed earth.