2023-10-04 周三 真信徒和假信徒




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True Believers and False Believers – Matt. 13:37-39
We need to see that today’s Christianity is in darkness, and we are in an age of complications. Christ has come and has sown the seed, but the enemy has also come in and has done things to cause complications. Therefore, in this age we have the worldly people; the wheat, the sons of the kingdom, the children of God; and the tares, the false believers, the nominal Christians, the sons of the Devil, who are among the children of God. Many of the sons of the kingdom have become degraded and have fallen below the standard.
Thus, there are four classes of people: the normal believers, the abnormal believers, the false believers and the worldly people. Day after day, we are involved with all four categories. In the very place where you work, all four types may be represented. We need to face this situation with a clear view of today’s age. We would not stand with the world nor be a part of Christendom. Furthermore, we would not be real yet abnormal believers. Rather, we want to be real and normal believers, real sons of the kingdom who live according to the constitution of the kingdom of the heavens. We would grow Christ by living a life according to the constitution. Whatever we grow will be the multiplication which is the constituent of the kingdom of the heavens. Therefore, today we are not only in the reality – we are the reality. Then when the Lord Jesus, the King, comes again, we shall be in the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens to reign as Christ’s co-kings.