2023-09-29 周五 国度的外表与畸形发展





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The Abnormal Development of the Outward Appearance of the Kingdom — Matt. 13:31-32

Both the grain of wheat and the grain of mustard seed signify Christ as food to us in different aspects. He is both the wheat and the mustard for our nourishment. Yet we shall see, the subtlety of the enemy with respect to the mustard seed is to cause it to grow into a huge tree that is no longer good for food.

After the mustard seed has grown, it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree. The church, which is the embodiment of the kingdom, should be like an herb to produce food, but it became a tree, a lodging place for birds, having its nature and function changed. This is against the law of God’s creation, that every plant must be after its kind. This happened when Constantine the Great mixed the church with the world in the first part of the fourth century. He brought thousands of false believers into Christianity, making it Christendom, no longer the church. But with its nature changed, the church became deeply rooted and settled in the earth as a tree, flourishing with its enterprises as the branches to lodge many evil persons and things. This has formed the outward organization of the outward appearance of the kingdom of the heavens.

Because the birds in the first parable signify the evil one, Satan, the birds of heaven in verse 32 must refer to Satan’s evil spirits with the evil persons and things motivated by them. In today’s Christendom, there are many evil persons, evil things and evil matters. Christendom has become a big tree producing no fruit, but having become a lodging place for so many evil things.