2023-09-27 周三 国度初步的工作(二)





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The Preliminary Work of the Kingdom (2) — Matt. 13-22-23

Some seeds fall on the thorns. The thorns signify the anxiety of the age and the deceitfulness of riches, which choke the word from growing in the heart and cause it to become unfruitful. The thorns, the anxiety of this age and the deceitfulness of riches, match the section in the constitution covering the attitude of the kingdom people toward riches, where the Lord tells us not to be anxious about our living, about what we shall eat, drink or wear. The third type of soil is not as bad as the second, but it is still difficult for the seed to grow in it because of anxiety and the deceitfulness of riches

The parable of the sower seems very simple, but it is actually deep and profound. It exposes the real condition of our heart in the presence of the heavenly King. This parable covers the hardness by the worldly traffic; the hidden lust, self and flesh; and the anxiety of the age and deceitfulness of money. These are the wayside, the rocks, and the thorns.

Some seeds fall on the good earth. The good earth signifies the good heart that is not hardened by worldly traffic, that is without hidden sins, and that is without the anxiety of the age and the deceitfulness of riches. Such a heart gives every inch of its ground to receive the word that the word may grow, bear fruit, and produce even a hundredfold. Christ as the seed of life can grow only in this kind of heart, this kind of soil. This is the soil that can grow the kingdom.