2023-09-26 周二 国度初步的工作(一)






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The Preliminary Work of the Kingdom (1) — Matt. 13-19-21

When the Lord came to do the preliminary work for the establishment of the kingdom, he was a sower. The seed refers to the word of the kingdom, Christ being the life as the word. This seed eventually produces the sons of the kingdom, who are the believers. 

Some seeds fall beside the way. Beside the way is the place close to the way. Because it is hardened by the traffic of the way, it is difficult for the seeds to penetrate it. This kind of wayside signifies the heart that is hardened by the worldly traffic and is not open to understand, to comprehend, the word of the kingdom. The birds signify the evil one, Satan, who came and snatched away the word of the kingdom sown in the hardened heart.

Some seeds fall on rocky places. The rocky places that do not have much earth signify the heart that is shallow in receiving the word of the kingdom, because deep within are rocks – hidden sins, personal desires, self-seeking and self-pity – which frustrate the seed from gaining root in the depth of the heart. The sun with its scorching heat signifies affliction or persecution, which dries up the seed that is not rooted. Therefore, the first type of soil corresponds to those who are not poor in spirit and pure in heart, and the second corresponds to those who still have their temper, lust, sin, self and flesh beneath the surface. 

May the Lord have mercy upon us and dig out all the hidden rocks, our temper, lust, self, flesh, and any other negative thing so that there may be room in our heart for the seed to be rooted deeply within us.