2023-09-23 周六 那灵的工作—为审判


在十一节主说,“为审判,是因这世界的王受了审判。”我们已经看见,审判与魔鬼有关。撒但,魔鬼,是罪的创始者,死的起源,所有罪人的父,以及世界的王。我们必须认识,审判不是为着人,乃是为着撒但。审判人不是神的用意,因为祂的审判是为着撒但的。火湖已经豫备好了,作为神对撒但的审判;这绝不是为着人的。在马太二十五章四十一节主说,“你们这被咒诅的,离开我,进入那为魔鬼和牠的使者所豫备的永火里去。” 永火是为人类豫备的么? 不是,永火乃是为撒但,魔鬼,以及牠的使者,牠的跟从者豫备的。但是你若不肯从亚当出来,进入基督里,你就要同受撒但所受的审判。



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The Work of the Spirit Concerning Judgement – John 16:11

In John 16: 11 the Lord said that the Spirit will convince the world “concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged”. We have seen that judgment is related to the devil. Satan, the devil, is the author of sin, the origin of death, the father of all sinners and the ruler of the world. We must recognize that judgment is not for man but for Satan. It is not God’s intention to judge man, because his judgment is for Satan. The lake of fire has been prepared as God’s judgment upon Satan; it was never intended for man. In Matthew 25:41 the Lord said, “Go from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels”. Was the everlasting fire prepared for human beings? No, it has [439] been prepared for Satan, the devil and his angels, his followers. But if you refuse to come out of Adam into Christ, you will share the judgment that is for Satan.

Satan, the ruler of the world, has been judged in the flesh of Christ on the cross (12:31-33; 3:14). On the cross the Lord as the Son of Man (12:23) was lifted up in the form of the serpent (3:14), that is, “in the likeness of the flesh of sin” (Rom. 8:3). Satan as the old serpent (Rev. 12:9; 20:2), the ruler of this world, had injected himself into man’s flesh. Through his death on the cross in the likeness of the flesh of sin, the Lord destroyed Satan, who is in man’s flesh (Heb. 2:14).

Any sinner who does not believe in the Son will remain with the devil and bear his judgment. If you go along with Satan and remain one of his companions, you will be with him in the lake of fire. God loves the world and has no intention that any human being be cast into the lake of fire. However, if anyone remains a companion of Satan, God has no choice but to allow him to suffer Satan’s judgment.