2023-09-22 周五 那灵的工作—为义(二)






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The Work of the Spirit Concerning Righteousness (2) – Heb. 2:14

Now the Son as righteousness is given to the believers. The satisfying Son, the accepted Son, the Son who has satisfied the Father and has been accepted by him, has been given to his believers as their righteousness. The Son himself is now our righteousness. Since he himself was to become our righteousness (1 Cor. 1:30), it was prophesied in Jeremiah 23:6 that He would be called “the Lord our righteousness”.

The believers are justified in the Son and with the Son as their righteousness. Since the Son has been given to the believers as their righteousness, they are justified in him before God. It is only in the Son as our righteousness that we are justified by God.

The believers have been freed from the source of sin, the devil. The devil is the source of sin, and the Son in the flesh destroyed the devil on the cross (Heb. 2:14). By believing in the Son we are freed from the source of sin.

The three items of sin, righteousness and judgment are a sketch of the gospel. The gospel is that we are sinners in Adam, but that we can be righteous and justified in Christ. If we are unwilling to be translated from Adam into Christ, we must be warned that we shall share the judgment with Satan. Every time we preach the gospel we must tell people about them. This is the gospel whereby the Holy Spirit convinces sinners to repent and to believe in the Lord Jesus in order to be saved.