2023-09-21 周四 那灵的工作—为义(一)





我们是藉基督的死称义? 还是藉基督的复活称义? 我们乃是藉基督的复活称义的。罗马四章二十五节说,“耶稣被交给人,是为我们的过犯,复活是为我们的称义。”十章九节说,“你若口里认耶稣为主,心里信神叫祂从死人中复活,就必得救。”我们必须相信,神已经叫祂从死人中复活。人人都相信主死了,但相信主已经复活,却需要启示。在祂这复活者里面,我们在神面前蒙悦纳。

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The Work of the Spirit Concerning Righteousness – John 16:10, Phil. 2:8-9

The Son has come and died to fulfill God’s righteous requirements (John 3:14). He came in the flesh and even died in the form of a serpent on the cross to fulfill God’s righteous requirements.

“Concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father”. This means that the Father has been fully satisfied with the Lord’s redemptive death on the cross and has accepted him in his resurrection. The proof that the Father is satisfied with Christ’s redemption is that the Father resurrected him from the dead and exalted him to his right hand. The resurrection and ascension of Christ are the evidences proving that his redemption has satisfied God and has met all the demands and requirements of God. Therefore, He was released from death to be exalted to the heavens at the right hand of God. Now God’s righteousness is manifested in justifying those who believe in Christ. If sinners will believe in Christ, God will justify them, for Christ himself will become their righteousness. 

Are we justified by Christ’s death or by his resurrection? We are justified by his resurrection. Rom 4:25 says, “Who was delivered because of our offenses and was raised because of our justification”, and 10:9 says, “That if you confess with your mouth, Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from among the dead, you shall be saved”.  We must believe that God has raised him from the dead; Everybody believes that the Lord died, but revelation is needed to believe that the Lord has been resurrected. In him, the resurrected One, we are accepted before God.