2023-09-20 周三 那灵的工作—为罪(二)





我们该怎么办? 在基督之外,没有逃避的路。基督是我们惟一逃避的路。从罪得释放惟一的路就是信入子(约八24,36,三15~17)。这样的信使人从亚当迁入基督。这太奇妙了,在半秒钟之间,一个罪人可以从亚当里罪恶的境地,完全迁入基督里。


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The Work of the Spirit Concerning Sin (2) – John 3:18

Because we all were born in sin in Adam, we all were born condemned (John 3:18). Before we were born, we were condemned in Adam. When Adam was condemned six thousand years ago, we were condemned in him.

We all were born to die in sin (John 8:21). Human beings were not born to live; they were born to die. The longer a man lives, the nearer he comes to dying.

We all are under the slavery of sin. This is not the result of our choice; it is a result of Adam’s fall. Adam’s fall has brought us under the slavery of sin. 

What shall we do? Outside of Christ there is no way of escape. Christ is our way, our only escape. The unique way to be freed from sin is to believe in the Son (John 8:24, 36; 3:15-17). This believing brings about a translation from Adam into Christ. This is wonderful. Within half a second, a sinner can be completely translated out of the sinful condition in Adam into Christ. 

In verse 9 the Lord said that the Spirit would convict the world concerning sin “because they do not believe in Me.” Here we see that the unique sin for perishing is not to believe [436] in the Son (3:16). The sin here is the unwillingness to be translated from Adam into Christ. If people wish to remain in Adam, it means that they want to remain in the old realm and not move into the new realm, which is Christ. The unique way to escape from your sinful situation is to believe in the Lord, and the unique sin that qualifies you for perishing is not to believe in him. If we believe, we shall be translated out of Adam into Christ. But if we do not believe, we shall perish.