2023-09-13 周三 愿子得荣耀好使父得荣耀





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May the Son Is Glorified that Father may be Glorified – John 17:5

The word with is used three times in John 17:5, the sense of this word is “along with”. This means that the Son is exactly the same as the Father in glorification. The Son is glorified along with the Father and with the same glory that the Father has. This word strengthens the indication in verse 17:1, concerning the deity of the Lord’s person, that he had the divine glory along with the Father before the world was, that is, in eternity past, so that he should be glorified along with the Father with that glory now. The Lord, by praying this way, indicates his person, his deity, showing that he is the same as the Father in the divine glory.

The Father is glorified in the Son’s glorification. The Father could never be glorified apart from the Son, because the Father has entrusted all that he is and has to the Son. The Father is embodied in the Son. Therefore, the Father cannot be glorified apart from the Son but only in the Son’s glorification. We have seen that the Lord was glorified in his resurrection. As long as the Lord is expressed and glorified, the Father is also expressed and glorified. Because the Lord is one with the Father and the Father is in the Lord, the release of the glory and beauty of the Lord manifests the glory and beauty of God the Father. Because they both are one, the Father is glorified in the glorification of the Son. Since the Father is in the Son, the Lord said, “Glorify Your Son that the Son may glorify You”.

The Father’s glorification is also through the Son’s believers. The Father is the source, essence, origin and everything to the vine tree. But the vine tree can never be expressed, glorified, without the branches. The Father is glorified in the Son’s glorification, and the Son’s glorification is through all his branches.