2023-09-07 周四 藉着在子的名里祷告并与主是一凭主活着




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Through Praying in the Son’s Name and Living by Being One with the Lord

The branches have been chosen and appointed to bear remaining fruit. How long the fruit remains depends on how much life we impart into it. It all depends upon the amount of life we impart into the new believers. This determines how long they will remain. Often in bringing people to the Lord we impart into them only a small amount of life. Therefore, they scarcely remain. It is difficult for them to remain for a longer time.

The branches have been chosen to bear remaining fruit through praying in the Son’s name. When we pray for fruit-bearing, we must pray in the Son’s name. To ask in the Lord’s name requires us to abide in the Lord and to let him and his words abide in us that we may actually be one with him. Then our asking will be his asking. This kind of asking is related to the fruit-bearing and surely will be answered by the Father.