2023-09-02 周六 — 经纶的三一 —灵的应用




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The Economical Trinity – the Spirit’s Application – Eph. 1:13

After the plan was completed, there was (and still is) a need for application. In this third step of application, more delicate work is required. In the first step, the Father merely made a plan. In the second step, the Son had to do a lot of work to accomplish this plan. In the third step, the application of the Spirit requires much continuing work. The Spirit does not do this applied work by himself alone, but as the Son with the Father.

The third step of God’s economy is the step of the Spirit, and of course all the work is done by the Spirit. In the third step, however, the Son became the Spirit. Therefore, no matter what kind of work the Spirit does, it is done by the Son who became the Spirit. In the third step, all the work is done by the Spirit as the Son with the Father. Because after the completion of the second step, the Son, the accomplisher, with the Father, has become the Spirit. Thus, the Spirit is the consummation of the processed Triune God in his economy. Any work accomplished by the Spirit is done by the Son who became the Spirit with the Father.