2023-09-01 周五 — 经纶的三一—子的完成




The Economical Trinity – the Son’s Accomplishments – Eph. 1:7

After the plan was made, the Son needed to carry it out. This was the second step in the economy. The Son was incarnated to become a man. He came to live a human life for thirty-three and a half years, received an all-inclusive death and resurrected from the dead. The Son came to do all the work, but he did not do these works alone. He worked with the Father and by the Spirit. With the Father and by the Spirit, the Son did his all-inclusive work of redemption, including incarnation, human living, death and resurrection. If the Son came by himself, this again destroyed the essence of the Holy Trinity, that is the truth of simultaneous coexistence and mutual immanence.