2023-08-29 周二 — 素质的三一-子是父的具体表现






The Essential Trinity – the Son Is the Embodiment of the Father – John 14:16-18

According to the essence  (the three of the Godhead), the three are one; therefore, there is an aspect of the essential Trinity. The Son is the embodiment of the Father (Col. 2:9), and the Spirit is the reality of the Son (John 14:16-18).

Words like this in the Bible strongly prove that the Father, the Son and the Spirit are essentially one.

In John 10:30 the Lord said, “I and the Father are one”, he didn’t say, “I am one with the Father”.  We may say that we are one with each other. But the Lord Jesus and the Father, the two of them are one. In the Gospel of John there is a mystical viewpoint showing us that the Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father. Undoubtedly, both of them are also in the spirit, and the spirit is in them. This is the essential aspect.