2023-08-24 周四 — 子即时的话






Son’s Instant Word – John 15:7

As we abide in the Lord, we must allow his words to abide in us. The Greek word for words in this verse is rhema, meaning the instant and present spoken word.

In order for the Lord to abide in us, it is necessary to let his words abide in us. The only possible way for the Lord to be practical to us is by his words. By what means did we hear the gospel and receive the Lord as our Savior? It was by his words. When we received his word, we actually received the Lord himself because the Lord is in his word and he himself is the Word. According to the same principle, if we want to allow the Lord to abide in us, we must allow his words to abide in us.

If we keep ourselves in the fellowship of the Lord, we have rhema within from the Lord all of the time. Logos is the outward word as a message spoken or written; rhema is the present, inward word. Logos is the written word as the expression of the living Christ; rhema is the word spoken within us by the Spirit of Christ just at the time we need it.