2023-08-23 周三 — 离了子就不能作什么




Apart from the Son, We Can Do Nothing – John 15:5

Apart from the Son we can do nothing. A branch of a vine cannot live by itself, for it will wither and die apart from the vine. The relationship between the branches and the vine pictures the relationship between us and the Lord. Apart from him, we are nothing, we have nothing, and we can do nothing. What we are, what we have, and what we do must be only in the Lord and by the Lord in us. It is very important for us to abide in the Lord and for the Lord to abide in us. Otherwise, we shall be finished and be nothing. Apart from him we are nothing, we have nothing and we can do nothing. Since we are the branches to the Lord and the Lord is the vine to us, we must abide in him and let him abide in us.