2023-08-22 周二 — 让子住在我们里面




Let the Son Abide in Us – John 15:5

We need to allow the Son abide in us, we abide in him and he abides in us. But many times we do not give him the ground, the space, to abide in us. The Lord desires to spread his abiding within us. However, we like to narrow down his abiding, we even restrict him. While Christ’s abiding is gradually spreading within us, there is something within that restricts this abiding Christ. Why do so many of the saints scarcely grow in life? Simply because they do not allow the Lord to spread within them. There may be no insulation, but there is too much limitation. Praise the Lord that he is patient and kind. He will never leave you, he is waiting. At the most, he will turn his face aside, but still stays here. May we look to him for mercy and grace that we may always give him the ground to expand within us, allowing him to spread into every corner and avenue of our inner being. This is the way to grow in life.