2023-08-21 周一 — 住留在子里面

经文:你们要住在我里面, 我也住在你们里面 (约十五4上, 另译)


首先,我们必须看见我们是枝子;然后,我们需要维持我们与主之间的交通。我们与祂之间不该有任何的阻隔。有一首诗歌开头的话是:“没有间隔,主,没有间隔” 。从经历中我们知道,即使是一件很微小的事,都会使我们与葡萄树丰富的供应隔绝。我们需要祷告主说,“主,愿你我之间没有任何的间隔,使我与你丰富的供应隔绝”。


Abide in the Son – John 15:4a

Once we see the fact that we are branches in the vine, we need to maintain the fellowship between us and the vine.Any insulation will separate us from the rich supply of the vine tree. A little disobedience, a sin, or even a sinful thought can be the insulation that separates us from the riches of the vine. If we do not condemn such things but hold on to them, they will insulate us from the rich supply of the vine tree.

First, we must see that we are branches. Then we need to maintain the fellowship between us and the Lord. Nothing should be between him and us. There is a hymn in our hymnal that opens with the words Nothing between, Lord, nothing between. From experience we know that even a small thing can insulate us from the rich supply of the vine tree. We need to pray to the Lord, “Lord, let there be nothing between you and me separating me from Your rich supply.”